About Paxton Calvanese

About 10 years ago I got divorced and was single again, after a time of recovery I knew I had to get back out there again. Having been out of the loop for so long I had no idea how to dress to attract women or even be a contender.
I hired a fashion consultant quickly learnt how off I was. My closet was full of clothes that were too big, too old, and out of style. As such I few answers to the “What should I wear” question. I fixed that! Over the next few years, eager to meet women, I figured it out and developed a logical and thoughtful strategy on how to dress for any occasion.
In doing this I quickly discovered how the majority of men are answering this question well and are not presenting themselves well, so it is my aim to show them what I know, what I figured out, so they too can be dressed for success in any situation.
In my life and career I’ve always been involved in the visual arts. From interior design, photography, and UI making visually rich mobile apps. (see my work below). Now I take my same visual acumen to the world of men’s clothing in my online course.
Design Work
As a designer who takes pride in every aspect of my work, I strive to bring creativity and innovation to everything I do. Whether it’s creating an eye-catching and intuitive user interface for a website or mobile app, designing an inviting and harmonious interior space, or even simply arranging a meal on a plate for the kids, I approach every task with equal consideration. Below represents some of my more significant work.
Mobile App: Drive Weather
Mobile App: Atmosphere Weather
Interior Design
Learn Photography Composition