What to Wear on A Date
A Men's Guide on How to Dress for Dating
There are three stages and strategies of dressing for dating. First, being single you need to attract attention, get a second look, and exude confidence. Second, when dating you have to keep it interesting and maintain variety – the brain gets tired of predictability. Third, you’re in a relationship and need to demonstration you have confidence you in a full range of social events including weddings, funerals, dinner with the parents, meeting her friends, romantic dinners, casual dinner, family functions and a whole lot more.
Every Girl Crazy Bout a Sharp Dressed Man
ZZ Top was right and if you want to attract your woman you better get this right to! The good news it is not that difficult to get right, and even better than that most men don’t dress well or know what works and what doesn’t. That means with my simple instruction and training you can stand out from the crowd.
Learning how to dress is one part of the puzzle in attracting a beautiful woman. It is a foundational piece that will also give you confidence and comfort as you meet and talk to women – two things that will help tremendously as you date.

Single - Get a Second Look
You never know when you will meet her, when will you bump into that one who lights you up! Better be prepared. You have to dress every day – you may as well do what it takes to get it right and keep it interesting as you never know when your woman will walk by. The strategy for this to dress for confidence and attention selecting certain clothing choices that match your personal style and demonstrate. Luck favors the prepared!

Dating - Keep it Fresh with Variety
Variety is the name of the game here. Our brains get bored of predictability, you need to appear interesting, mysterious, fresh. Always meeting her with original outfits is one powerful way of demonstrating this and just one part of the puzzle. In order to keep the upper hand you need to keep yourself interesting with new combinations of clothes to keep her engaged as you get to know each other.

Relationship - Handle Any and Every Occasion
Once in a relationship you will need to demonstrate your ability to handle every social occasion with dignity and respect. You will have to go to weddings, a funeral isn’t uncommon, family gathering, meeting her parents, meeting her friends, romantic dinners, and casual days. Certainly you are being evaluated on how you handle social situations, how you present yourself. Therefore make sure you are fully equipped to handle every situation with confidence with my course.